Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why would you NOT......

Why would you not try and be the best that you can be? Why would you not focus on being a better person, a better friend, a better co worker, a better leader? Why would you not try to help more people, to give a little more? Why would you not try and change someones life, or maybe your own, for the better? Why would you not be the best employee you can be, give everything you can offer to your company or your boss?

Why would you not try that new thing, go out on a limb? Why would you not tell him or her how you feel? Why would you not say thank you for that kind deed? Why would you not try and be in better shape, eat healthier, run farther, run faster........invite a friend to run?

Why would you not spend more time with your family? Why would you not stay the extra hour, push a little harder, dig a little deeper? Why would you not expect more from yourself, ask yourself the tough questions, or work to find solutions to your problems? Why would you not make that tough call, admit your wrong, or tell them how much they mean to you? Why would you not work every single day of your life to contribute to society and attempt to make this world a better place for someone else including yourself?

Why would you not read this post and think to yourself "Why would I not...."?

Bringin' it-


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