Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This world needs us...........

This world needs you and I, and failing to understand that responsibility is affecting the world around us. We are called to serve our brothers and sisters not just because, but because we need each other.

I heard this song this morning on the radio about people that want nothing more than to be loved for who they are. This song really hit me because it made me stop and think about people out there that are hurting and are in desperate need. When we make selfish decisions and forget about those around us we are failing to live out our intended purpose. It breaks my heart to even think that people are hurting like this and that every day I could be helping someone who really needs it and give up nothing!

Too often we get caught up in our own issues and forget about the purpose for which we are called. I have no doubt in my mind that if we help our brothers as we are called we too will be taken care of. The bible says that He will take things away from us and bring us adversity so that we may seek Him out. So maybe those "things" happening in your life are on purpose; better yet, with good purpose.

Imagine if 30 minutes of your time could change someones life forever. Do you have anything in your life that is more important than helping a lost soul? Imagine a small act that gives that person at rock bottom a sliver of hope. The tiniest acts can have the biggest impact and too often we lose sight of that. This world needs us to go out and be the hands and feet of God so that more people can understand and see His beauty and grace. When we make selfish decisions we are not only hurting ourselves but we are hurting others around us. You never know when you will encounter someone that needs you. Failing to understand that responsibility is detrimental to others. We need to know that we have a purpose and other people's lives are affected by that purpose. We are called, by God, to help others around us.

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."~Peter 4;10

You remember when God met you right where you were and helped you out in a time of need? The world needs us to love and serve our brothers and sisters just as we are loved by God.

Steppin'.My.Game.Up. #ushould2

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